Paper Submission Guide

The followings should be taken into consideration when preparing abstracts:


1. Abstracts must be prepared in Turkish and English.

2. Abstracts should be prepared in a Microsoft Word file.

3. Abstracts must be at least 200 and at most 400 words.

4. Abstracts should include (a) title, (b) author information (author name and surname, institution name and e-mail), (c) abstract text and (d) keywords.

5. The abstract should contain at least 3 and at most 5 keywords.

6. Abbreviations should not be used in summaries, and tables, figures and references should not be included.

7. The papers must not have been presented or published anywhere before (The responsibility in this regard belongs entirely to the author).

8. Papers prepared in accordance with the template should be sent via e-mail to


Click to access the abstract template.